Today allows students to take their Google Classroom™️ tasks and plan them efficiently!
Ändrades senast:17 januari 2022
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Today is a tool that enhances the Google Classroom™️ experience for students. It gives students the ability to plan and manage their assignments in real time. 

Any time a teacher posts an assignment in Google Classroom™️, students will see it appear on their Today dashboard. From there, they will be prompted to plan when they would like to work on the assignment (time and date) and how much time they would like to spend on it, which will also become visible in their Google Calendars™️. This allows them to break their workload down, making it more manageable and achievable. In turn, this also helps them to avoid procrastination.

By using Today, students can:

1. Plan when they would like to start working on an assignment
2. Decide how much time to devote to an assignment. 
3. Prioritize essential work.
4. Keep track of upcoming and completed tasks.
5. Easily access all notes, attachments and URLs posted on Google Classroom™️ for any given assignment.
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