Automate Google Sheets™ to-do list. If no to-do list yet, user can plug into a blank sheet to get a template that can be extended by user.
정보 업데이트:2025년 2월 18일
호환 기기:
To-do list plugin provides sorting which can be customized, moving completed task to the end, adding blank row when it is filled up, deleting row when task description is deleted and advancing the date when repeating task is ticked for completion. Month-end task when repeated will stay at month-end. 

How to install?

1. Open your existing to-do list Google sheet or a blank Google sheet. 
2. Go to Google Workspace Marketplace  to install this add-on. After Installation, your sheet menu Extensions will have this add-on . If not, please re-open your sheet.
3. From the menu, select 'Plug in'. If the opened sheet is blank, a template will be created for you. Otherwise, a sidebar will pop up for you to configure the plugin parameters, namely your to-do list sheet name, header row number, date column, task column and optional repeating frequency column and sorting columns. 

How to use?

1. You just edit your to-do list. 
2. After a cell which has column configured is editted, Google sheet will trigger this add-on to perform the following:
- For date edited, the task will be sorted according to date.
- For task ticked for completion, the task will be sorted to the end of the list.
- For a new task entered to an empty row, an empty row will be inserted.
- For repeating task ticked for completion, the task date will be advanced according to your given repeating frequency. The frequency can be in number of days (d), weeks (w), months (m) and years (y). The repeating frequency is expressed as nx where n is a number and x is d, w, m or y. For 'd', it is daily excluding weekend. For '1d', it is daily including weekend. For m and y, if the date is on month-end, the advanced date will be on month-end. 

This plugin is using the Google sheet trigger onEdit which is processed in Google cloud. Depending on your network traffic, please allow one to a few seconds for your edits going to the cloud and have the refresh back to your device.  You will notice the start and end of the refresh from the task header which changes color to red momentarily. 

If refresh has mixed with your input,  you can unplug and use Google sheet Undo (Ctrl-Z) to roll back the changes or use restore previous version. After a few times, you will get use to the Google onEdit trigger.

This plugin is free for installation and use. If it saves your time, please support me.

#SPCsoft #to-do #todo #todolist
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