ToogleBoard is a Google Workspace add-on, managed by ToogleBox, to publish internal communications, important messages, and reminders without sending emails.
Works with:
ToogleBoard is a Google Workspace add-on narrowcasting service. It is managed by ToogleBox Superadmins and their designated users. The service is used for internal communications, important messages and reminders, without sending emails.

The notes are created, edited, and previewed using an editor. There are two components to be designed: the note itself and the preview image. Publishers can publish notes to the whole domain, OUs, groups, or individuals during a certain amount of time (start and end dates and time). The messages are delivered through a dedicated Mobile App and also through a Gmail Add-on.

To see the note’s content, end-users must click on the ToogleBoard icon on the sidebar of the Gmail UI. After clicking on it, the published note is displayed in a centered window. 

This service is only for Google Workspace domains. NOT for personal Gmail accounts

ToogleBoard is part of ToogleBox, a set of powerful tools that enhance Google Workspace functionalities. ToogleBox includes other services such as email damage control, contact management, signature management, data control, dynamic group management.
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PricingNot available
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ToogleBoard will ask for the permissions shown below. Learn more
ToogleBoard will need access to your Google account
This will allow ToogleBoard to :
Run as a Gmail add-on
Connect to an external service
View your country, language, and timezone
See your primary Google Account email address
See your personal info, including any personal info you've made publicly available
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