ToogleBox is a platform designed to reduce the workload of Google Workspace™ Super Admins by automating and simplifying tasks while enhancing productivity and fostering collaboration.
Ändrades senast:13 november 2024
1 mn+
ToogleBox is a secure platform with tools designed to simplify, automate, and enhance Google Workspace™  functionalities. ToogleBox makes the Super Admin's life easier.

ToogleBox offers Super Admins the ability to efficiently and massively search and delete harmful emails. It also includes a Recall service that enables end-users to delete their own internal emails without requiring  Super Admin assistance.

With ToogleBox, you can easily create and update Google Workspace™  accounts, whether individually or massively. You also have the capability to suspend or delete accounts and enforce password policies.

Our contact management features include Internal Contacts Auto Sync, which ensures that address books remain free of obsolete or renamed email addresses. You can also share contacts by syncing from external domains or adding external contacts from a CSV file.

Signature management is another powerful feature, allowing companies to centralize and standardize their corporate email signatures. This turns every email interaction into a valuable opportunity for implementing marketing initiatives.

Dynamic Group Management enables the creation of distribution lists based on up to three parameters and hierarchical groups aligned with the organizational chart. 

Our Data Control functionality offers Google Directory field validation (type and valid values), as well as the ability to define different data access views for various ToogleBox Admins and end-users.

With our ToogleBoard add-on, you can publish notes and create cards to organize information inside your organization. Each card can include several chips and can be targeted to specific audiences. 

ArkiveBox allows archiving ex-employee email accounts to comply with company or country legislation. The information is securely stored in Google Cloud Storage and can be easily restored to a Google Workspace™  account when needed.
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ToogleBox behöver åtkomst till ditt Google-konto
Detta ger ToogleBox behörighet att:
Läs, skriv, skicka och radera all e-post från Gmail
Se, redigera, skapa eller ändra dina e-postinställningar och filter i Gmail
Visa, redigera, dela och radera alla kalendrar du har åtkomst till via Google Kalender
Visa, redigera, ladda ned och radera dina kontakter
Visa, redigera, ladda ned och radera dina kontakter
Visa och ladda ned kontaktuppgifter som har sparats bland dina övriga kontakter automatiskt
Visa och hantera dataöverföring mellan användare i din organisation
Visa kundrelaterad information
Visa domäner som är kopplade till dina kunder
Visa och hantera administration av användare på din domän
Visa grupper på din domän
Visa organisationsenheter på din domän
Visa och hantera administration av användare på din domän
Visa användarscheman på din domän
Visa och hantera inställningar för en G Suite-grupp
Se den primära e-postadressen för ditt Google-konto
Visa dina personliga uppgifter, inklusive personliga uppgifter som du har gjort offentliga
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