Make your presentations shine with the best free stock photos from Pexels - without ever having to leave the Google Slides interface.
Oppføring oppdatert:27. oktober 2022
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Top Stock Photos for Google Slides lets you make your presentations shine with the best free stock photos from Pexels - without ever having to leave the Google Slides interface.

When creating presentations the right picture can be worth a thousand words. Pexels has thousands of the best free stock photos and now Top Stock Photos for Google Slides lets you instantly search through these pictures and add them to your presentations: no copying and pasting and no need to switch window or tab. Just open the add on, search for the topic you're interested in, then click to insert your chosen picture directly into your presentation.

No login is required: just install the addon and get started immediately!

- Easy, fast search through the thousands of stock photos available on Pexels.
- Insert either the image or a link to the image with one click.
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