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From Google Sheets data, choose a column to filter data by. A tab for each unique field in the column will be created with filtered data.
Дата оновлення:20 серпня 2024 р.
1 млн+
Easily separate data into individual tabs. From the spreadsheet resulting from a Google Form or any spreadsheet of data, select the column in the toTabs sidebar that you wish to filter the spreadsheet by. A new tab for each unique value in that column will be created. Collects NO USER DATA. 

For a survey, sort the customer responses into individual tabs based on their rating. 
For teachers, sort the Google Form quiz results by class period or question response. 
For a spreadsheet of expenses, create a sheet per expense type to filter your expenses into individual lists. 
For product orders, sort the spreadsheet data into tabs by shirt size (for example.)

This Add-on was developed by Alice Keeler. It is free and collects NO user data. No PII. Check out more of her Add-ons at http://alicekeeler.com/codedbyalice

12/18/19: Bug fix to sort by numbers.
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