A Google Sheets™ add-on (extension) that helps generating tournament-brackets for a given list of participants.
Дата оновлення:31 грудня 2023 р.
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16 тис.+
A Google Sheets™ add-on (extension) that helps generating tournament-brackets for a given list of participants. The add-on has the following features, using the extension menu:
1. Automatically bumps up the participant with the higher score to the next match.
2. "Condolence House": after losing a match participants still get a chance for 3rd place.
3. Auto-computed deadlines per match, enabling estimation of when the tournament will end.
4. Customizable score templates (e.g., checkbox, numbers, dropdown).

See further instructions after installing the add-on and creating the default options.

Google Sheets™ is a trademark of Google LLC.
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