Un utilisateur de TP Gradebook
This is awesome. I love it. Thank you so much! I've been using it this semester (winter 2016) instead of EXCEL or MARKBOOK (ancient non-web based software). This does everything MARKBOOK does with the advantage of being accessible from any device (tablet, phone, PC, etc) which means I never write down my marks on paper to transfer them later. It does all the math for you. Setting up a class from CLASSROOM TAKE LESS THAN 5 MINUTES if you start by using the rosterSync ADD-ON to create a roster first (Create roster, than copy paste into new TP GRADEBOOK). You can set up both a formative and summative GRADEBOOKs (or keep them together in 1 and make the weight 0 for the formatives.) This is wonderful, I am surprised only 432 teachers (APRIL 2016) are using this ADD-ON for sheets. Thanks again! It is awesome. Love it!
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