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Track email directly from Gmail™ on any Phone and Desktop. Tracking includes email opens, links clicks, attachment downloads and unread follow-ups.
Nhà phát triển:
Đã cập nhật trang thông tin:25 tháng 11, 2024
Hoạt động với:
42 N+
Tổng quan
Track allows you to track email directly from your Gmail™ app on Phone and Desktop

Track works with any Gmail™, on any Phone and Desktop, WITHOUT a need to install additional Chrome Extension. 

Option 1: 
Just click on Track button in Compose New Email window. That's it!

Option 2:
1. Start typing first letters of recipient name or email address 
2. When app starts showing you Autocomplete options select a recipient with “Track” prefix 
3. That’s it! After you hit Send the email will be tracked
4. You can add multiple recipients including CC and BCC with “Track” prefix to track several recipients

You don't need to do nothing - you will start receiving detailed read, open and forward notifications to your email and phone once the email gets read by recipients

✔✔ Track Email Sent from Phone’s Gmail™ App on Android and iPhone
✔✔ Track Email Sent from Gmail™ on Desktop
✔✔ Supports Gmail™ and Google Workspace™ email accounts
✔✔ Know When, Where and For How Long Your Email Has Been Read
✔✔ Know Who Exactly Opened Your Email (Individual, Per-Recipient Tracking)
✔✔ Links Clicking Tracking
✔✔ Attachments Opening Tracking
✔✔ Email Forwarding Tracking
✔✔ Get Instant Email Confirmation About Sent, Read, Forward, Click and Open Events
✔✔ Select When To Receive Each Notification
✔✔ Totally Invisible to Recipient
✔✔ Get Follow-up Reminders for Unread Emails
✔✔ Email Support

Sign Up Once, Use Everywhere:
With Track you can track email on any device you use - Windows PC, Android, Tablet, Wear, iOS or Mac.
Track also works with any email app you use - Gmail™ for Mobile, Gmail™ for Desktop, Android™ Mail, Apple Mail etc.

Track is fully compatible with all popular productivity apps and extensions.

➤ Increase your open rates and response rates
➤ Make a smart decisions based on the tracking data
➤ Reach the inbox - you email will not land in promotions or spam
➤ Optimize your follow-up procedure

➢ Job Search: know whether your CV has been opened and downloaded by the recruiter or not
➢ Sales Pitches: Send sales deck with Track and get detailed information about engagement 
➢ Sales Quotes: know if your your potential clients are engaged
➢ Invoices: know whether your bill been received or not
➢ Raising Money - Send slide deck with Track

Track processes personal data in accordance with European Regulation. Track Privacy Policy and Terms of Use comply fully with GDPR.
Thông tin bổ sung
GiáDùng thử không mất phí
Nhà phát triển
Không phải bên giao dịch
Chính sách quyền riêng tư
Điều khoản dịch vụ
Track - Email Tracking & Maitracker sẽ yêu cầu các quyền như trình bày bên dưới. Tìm hiểu thêm
Track - Email Tracking & Maitracker sẽ cần có quyền truy cập vào Tài khoản Google của bạn
Điều này sẽ cho phép Track - Email Tracking & Maitracker:
Quản lý thư nháp và gửi email khi bạn tương tác với tiện ích bổ sung
Xem thư email của bạn khi bạn tương tác với tiện ích bổ sung
Xem siêu dữ liệu email của bạn khi tiện ích bổ sung đang chạy
Xem email của bạn khi tiện ích bổ sung đang chạy
Chạy dưới dạng tiện ích bổ sung của Gmail
Kết nối với dịch vụ bên ngoài
Xem địa chỉ email chính cho Tài khoản Google của bạn
Xem thông tin cá nhân của bạn, bao gồm mọi thông tin cá nhân mà bạn đã đăng công khai
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