Bring automation to your tracking plan and analytics schemas.
Дата оновлення:3 лютого 2025 р.
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Keep your tracking plan up to date — automatically. Trackingplan seamlessly syncs your event tracking setup with your spreadsheet, ensuring your tracking plan always reflects the latest data. Eliminate manual updates, prevent data discrepancies, and stay in control of your analytics.

Effortless analytics management

Maintaining an accurate tracking plan shouldn’t be a full-time job. Trackingplan automates the process by pulling events and properties directly into your spreadsheet, so you always work with the most up-to-date information.

Key features

- Real-time syncing – automatically update your spreadsheet with the latest events and properties from Trackingplan.

- Automated data validation – detect missing, renamed, or incorrectly formatted events and properties.

- Instant alerts – get notified whenever something changes in your tracking implementation.

- Seamless Integration – keep your team aligned with a single source of truth, without manual maintenance.

How it works

Connect Trackingplan to Google Sheets™ – securely link your Trackingplan workspace.

Sync your analytics – pull the latest event tracking setup into your spreadsheet with one click.

Monitor for changes – automatically detect discrepancies between your expected and actual data.

Fix issues fast – get clear insights into changes and maintain accurate analytics effortlessly.

Stay in control of your analytics implementation

Trackingplan helps you enforce data consistency by allowing you to define specifications for each event and property. Any deviations are flagged instantly, so you can resolve them before they impact your analytics.
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