Transfer ownership of Google Drive™ files to another organisation or personal account: you are free in your movements.
Дата оновлення:5 грудня 2024 р.
155 тис.+
Transfer or copy your Google Drive™ files recursively between accounts in different Google Workspace™ domains and/or free accounts, migrate files to another Google My Drive™ or Google Shared Drive™, also create file lists, copy folder structures without files or with shortcuts to files. Transferred files retain ID, metadata and version history after migration. If any target subfolder does not exist, it is created with a new ID. If the source folder is also the target folder, then the transfer of ownership occurs in-place.

Only the owner can initiate a transfer of ownership. If the selected files belong to several owners, then check the "Skip files owned by other users" checkbox to avoid errors when trying to process other user's files. The FAQ describes the recommended approach for other files not owned by you.

Processing large volumes (more than 5,000 files) can take hours due to performance degradation by your storage provider and recover some time after the operation completes. The copy operation may take even longer than the transfer.

Please note:
To transfer ownership between users in the same domain, it is hardly worth using this application. Better contact your domain administrator for a free transfer.
To transfer ownership between users of free accounts like, you might use the Google Drive™ web interface folder by folder.

Even these users can benefit from the free features
- creating a list of files and folders,
- creating a hierarchical folder structure without files,
- creating a hierarchical folder structure with shortcuts to original files.

A subscription with credits by the number of files is required to transfer or copy. Check this add-on subscription for this webapp in Credits in the upper right corner of the application window.
To perform a copy or transfer operation, the sender or recipient of the files must have a valid subscription with the required number of credits equal to the number of files.
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ЦіниБезкоштовна версія з платними функціями
Не продавець
Політика конфіденційності
Умови використання
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Перегляд, змінення, створення й видалення всіх ваших файлів на Google Диску
Перегляд основних даних про вибрані папки або файли на Google Диску
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