Build interactive diagrams with intuitive UI. You can export result to PNG, JPG or SVG.
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4 тыс.+
Общие сведения
Do you need to create an organizational tree chart? Need to show the different roles within a business? Use our tree chart creator to make an simple organizational chart to show the roles of each
employee and who they report to. The owner/CEO is usually at the top of the organizational chart and it shows their direct reports, usually the CFO/CMO/CSO etc. Organizational charts can also be more
granular and show the specific teams & team leaders in an department.

Core Features

- 5 Free tree chart templates you can modify for your own needs
- Save your tree chart into Google Drive
- Share your tree chart with other team members by creating a shared folder inside Google Drive
- Step by step tutorial on how to create your own tree chart
- Collaborate with your classmates/colleagues and allow them to edit the tree chart as well
Дополнительная информация
Статус продавца не указан
Политика конфиденциальности
Условия использования
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Приложение Tree Chart Creator сможет:
Просмотр, создание, изменение и удаление только тех файлов на Google Диске, которые вы используете с этим приложением
Просмотр основного адреса электронной почты вашего аккаунта Google
Просмотр ваших личных данных, в том числе общедоступных
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