Bring collaboration to the conversation with Trello, and work with perspective. Get customizable alerts from Trello in Google Chat™ for actions on boards, lists, and cards.
Дата оновлення:29 липня 2024 р.
93 тис.+
Trusted by millions, Trello is the visual collaboration tool that creates a shared perspective on any project.

Trello for Google Chat™ allows you to stay on top of the progress of any project by sending updates to Google Chat™ when activity occurs on Trello cards, lists, and boards. Easily customize the types of alerts you want to receive in Google Chat™ to bring the level of perspective you need.

For example, get real-time alerts when attachments are added to cards and require feedback, as cards move across lists, and more. Trello alerts in Google Chat™ are also a great way to make sure everyone stays informed as projects progress or to celebrate successes as cards move to “Done” lists.

Setting up Trello alerts is simple:

1. @ mention the @Trello bot in the room you’d like to add Trello alerts.
2. Follow the steps to authorize Google Chat™ with your Trello account.
3. On the dropdown menu, select the board on which you’d like to enable the Google Chat™ Power-Up.
4. Once enabled, click the button to go to that board and then click the Google Chat™ Power-Up button in the top right corner of the board.
5. Select a space or direct message where you’d like to send alerts, and the actions for which you’d like to receive alerts.
6. Feel a new sense of calm as your Trello FOMO fades away.
Додаткова iнформацiя
ЦіниБезкоштовна версія з платними функціями
Політика конфіденційності
Умови використання
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Додатку Trello буде потрібен доступ до облікового запису Google
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