Search Twitter by keyword or hashtags and save matching tweets in a Google Spreadsheet automatically. Use the archive to download your brand mentions, conference tweets, geo-tagged tweets and more.
Listing updated:April 17, 2023
Works with:
The Twitter Archiver lets you easily save tweets for any search keyword or hashtag in a Google Spreadsheet. 

Enter a search query, or an hashtag, and all matching tweets are automatically saved in the Google Sheet. You can write simple queries, use boolean search or include advanced Twitter search operators to create more complex queries.

Twitter Archiver can be used for saving tweets around trending hashtags, conference tweets, your brand mentions, geo-tagged tweets, and more. It polls twitter every hour and pulls all the matching tweets into the Google Spreadsheet.

YouTube Tutorial:

Twitter FAQ:

Twitter Search Tricks:

Please watch the video tutorial to know more about the Twitter add-on and how it works with the Twitter API to fetch tweets for matching search queries. The Twitter app only uses your Twitter account for fetching / search tweets and will never post any tweets to your account.

The add-on is free though you can upgrade to premium edition to capture more search terms. The premium version also includes supports and polls twitter more frequently (every 10-15 minutes) to download new tweets. Go to to upgrade to premium edition.
Important Update: 
The Twitter Archiver app is temporarily unavailable due to changes in the Twitter API. We are working diligently to update our app and make it compatible with the new API changes. We understand how vital our app is to you, and we apologize for any inconvenience caused by this disruption.

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Tweet Archiver will need access to your Google account
This will allow Tweet Archiver to :
See, edit, create, and delete all your Google Sheets spreadsheets
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See your primary Google Account email address
See your personal info, including any personal info you've made publicly available
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Delawn Sparwow
October 22, 2022
Literally did nothing. Fv<k you for making it appear as free when it isnt.
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Elena-Mihaela Grigore
April 4, 2021
Short story: Waste of time, don't bother. Long story: Took time to install this plugin that falsely advertised: 'easily save tweets for any search keyword' After installing and starting a search it says: we got 98 tweets and we will run the tweet collection once per hour. Whaat ?! Imagine for 600.000 tweets I will have to wait for this plugin 6.000 hours. That is 250 days. In other words, this plugin will collect in 8 months what I collected using the free snscrape library in less than 10 minutes (600.000 historical tweets). Alternative: snscrape (freely available on Github)
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A User of Tweet Archiver
July 13, 2019
So I installed the trial version a few days ago and it appears to be working as expected. It would be nice if the developer provided more information on the advanced search parameters that can be used. Maybe I just missed it somewhere, but the trial version seems to limit ones ability to explore the product adequately.
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Kathleen Paciga (Katie)
September 3, 2020
I was totally liking your add-on, but my Twitter Archiver suddenly stopped fetching 9/2/20 around 9:30 AM CST. I tried Restart Trigger button and received a message that the program had restarted, but still no fetch. Any tips?
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A User of Tweet Archiver
February 6, 2018
I teach a course about Social Media and the entire class is introduced to Twitter Archiver. It is easy to install and user friendly. Myself and my students use it to aggregate twitter data for social science type projects. Very useful!
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A User of Tweet Archiver
December 10, 2019
This is an amazing tool, especially since other twitter archiving tools that used to be free seem hard to come by. Question: it seems like the capture of past tweets is limited to 100 tweets? Is it possible to capture more past tweets than that?
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Clint Wrede
July 10, 2018
If you want to limit free users to a single search, that is of course your right. But free-version limits, and especially such severe ones, should be mentioned in the Google Store. I spent a little time looking into this add-on, loading it, and getting it ready, and I was quite surprised that when I went to create my second search, it would cost me $30 per year. For that much, having a single search is not enough to fairly test the add-on, and I ended up simply deleting it. Looks like a good add-on, but I guess I'll never know.
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A User of Tweet Archiver
November 3, 2015
Excellent Twitter curator and search. We use for our humanitarian cause to track human right violations, disease outbreaks, relief and development efforts in most distressed regions in the world. The tool is easy to use and the integration with Google Sheet makes it incredibly easy to share and analyze data for further insights and decision making.
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A User of Tweet Archiver
January 10, 2018
Interesting app, however, you cannot always see an entire tweet. It will cutoff halfway through a tweet, around 114 characters. Before September 2017, Twitter had a 140 character limit, but now has 280 characters.Therefore, you may only end up collecting 114/280 characters or 41% of all potential content. This isn't really communicated in the video demonstration, and was quite a surprise when I finishing up formatting. The demonstration video was slightly misleading in that respect. example tweet output: Leaving Camp David for the White House. Great meetings with the Cabinet and Military on many very important subject… Tweet will have a trailing "..." followed by link the rest of the tweet. I really hope this is fixed as otherwise this is a tool with a lot of potential.
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A User of Tweet Archiver
June 17, 2018
Edit - The add-on works perfectly again, he responded quickly to my complaint and fixed it. Love Labnol products!
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