Twilio connector for your sheet. You can easily connect your Twilio account for sending text messages.
정보 업데이트:2023년 7월 25일
호환 기기:
How to Setup
Start with the menu option Settings to set up your account.
In Settings click on the button with your email to sign-up with a single click!
Your account will have 5 credits to try the add-on for free.

• Easy-to-use interface for Twilio text messages.
• Multiple countries support.
• Choose the To phone number + message from the add-on.
• Add Twilio API keys and the phone number from the sidebar.
• No login or signup is needed to use the add-on.
• Get the status of the processing.
• Add customized messages using powerful Google Sheet™ formulas.

Use Cases
• Sending appointment reminders to customers
• Sending promotional offers and discounts to a large customer base
• Sending notifications and updates to a group of employees or team members
• Sending event reminders and updates to attendees
• Sending survey or feedback requests to customers
• Sending automated birthday or anniversary wishes to customers
• Sending account or payment reminders to clients
• Sending emergency or important announcements to a community or organization
• Sending shipment or delivery updates to customers
• Sending personalized thank you messages to customers after a purchase.

Free Features:
 * Send 5 text messages at a time. 
 * You send unlimited text messages with pauses.

Premium Features:
 * Send in bulk without any pauses.

Please note that we're not responsible for any Twilio or Google™ service outages.

More information:
Feel free to contact us at if you have any questions!
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