Twitter Handle & Profile search enables you to easily find Twitter user profile links based on a list of prospects
Дата оновлення:6 червня 2022 р.
Twitter profile search enables you to easily prospect and search twitter for matching user handles & profiles based on a list of prospects - Name and/or Company.
Finding the right twitter username profile of your prospects in bulk became easy as 1 click. 
This reduces the time and money spent working with manualy copy pasting or working with a Virtual assistance VA. 

Twitter Prospector is used for:
- Finding Sales & Marketing prospects on twitter. 
- Connecting with Bloggers, Writers and Journalists. 
- Twitter outreach to influancers & celebs. 

Use Cases: 
- Lead generation (Finding emails) 
- Sales prospecting & automation
- Human resources & sourcing (HR)

The addon is will send you to a twitter Search result, reducing your manual time waste and helping you find and collect the twitter profile urls or twitter handles.  
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