How fast you can type? Create your own Typing Test from any text or Google Drive file to test your typing CPM, WPM speed.
Informações atualizadas:14 de março de 2022
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Create your own Typing Test from any text or Google Drive file to test your typing CPM, WPM speed.
Do you want to know how fast you can type? This is a quick and easy typing speed test that reports speed and accuracy. This is a tool for generating Typing Test from text or Google Drive file that you provide.
You can test your typing speed with your own text. Multiple languages for the typing test are supported, and various sample texts for typing tests are available.

Support file format: pdf, doc/docx, ppt/pptx, html, txt, ps, Google document/presentation, odt, odp, any text files...

Let's test yourself how many words you can type in a minute? There will be a board and some sentences on it. You must type the words as fast as possible and you must be careful on mistakes.
Provide a Speed Typer Game. Test out your typing skills against ever increasing numbers of words, the faster that you type the quicker you clear them off the screen.
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O Typing Test precisará de acesso à sua Conta do Google
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Ver, editar, criar e excluir apenas os arquivos do Google Drive que você usa com este app
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26 de maio de 2018
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