Import Dimensions data into your Sheets. Save reports and refresh them as needed.
호환 기기:
With this Google Add-on, data within Dimensions can now be imported to Google Sheets. Google Sheets has a breadth of data analysis capabilities allowing for users to conduct ad hoc analysis, create robust visualizations, and generate professional looking reports. Third party data can easily be added to identify correlations and increase the scope of the data exploration. The embedded templates reduce report development time and allow end users to leverage preexisting formats. Once the data is in Google Sheets it can be shared for cross functional collaboration.
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Google Drive 파일 보기, 수정, 생성, 삭제
모든 Google Sheets 스프레드시트 확인, 수정, 생성, 삭제
Google 애플리케이션 내 메시지 및 사이드바에 외부 웹 콘텐츠를 표시하고 실행합니다.
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