Automate your work and let the cloud do the work for you. Create interactive enterprise web apps within minutes.
Fortegnelse opdateret:18. januar 2024
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From simple mail merge to complex reports, invoices, signed contracts or newsletter campaigns - Ultradox allows you to build amazing automations and apps by combining the power of several cloud services like GMail™, Google Forms™, Google Docs™ and Google Sheets™.

Generate beautiful and personalized PDF documents from  your own templates by turning Google Docs™ into a simple yet powerful template engine.

You can use all formatting capabilities of Google Docs™ when creating your templates.
If you need pixel-perfect documents with background images and font works you can use LibreOffice or MS Word™ to create more sophisticated layouts.

Ultradox covers many use cases and you will find ready-to-use examples in the Ultradox template gallery:

* Generating invoices
Ultradox allows you to generate perfectly designed invoices by merging data from spreadsheets, contacts and other data sources into your own templates.
Automatically send out invoices as attachment, archive them on Google Drive™ and print the generated PDF on your printer right from the cloud.

* Create personalized newsletters
Create beautiful responsive emails with Google Docs™ using the Ultradox Email Designer. Merge data from your contacts or any other datasource to personalize your emails and the generated PDF attachments.

* Assemble quotes and contracts
You can assemble documents from text blocks by using conditions to quickly compose quotes and contracts for your customers.
Contracts can be signed with a trusted digital certificate or a visual signature.

* Generate PDF Forms
Ultradox even supports dynamic PDF forms.
Only include the form fields into your document that are relevant for the recipient. 

Ultradox integrates seamlessly into Google Workspace™.
Create new or open existing Ultradox files right from the Google Drive™ interface.

When installing Ultradox from the Google Workspace Marketplace, you will also install the Ultradox Add-on's for Google Docs™, Google Forms™ and Google Sheets™.
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Ultradox har brug for adgang til din Google-konto
Dette giver Ultradox tilladelse til følgende:
Se, redigere, oprette og slette alle dine Google Docs-dokumenter
Se, redigere, oprette og slette alle dine Google Drev-filer
Se og administrer dine formularer i Google Drev
Se, redigere, oprette og slette alle dine Google Sheets-regneark
Opret forbindelse til en ekstern tjeneste
Tillad, at denne applikation kan køre, når du ikke er til stede
Send mail i eget navn
Se og administrer data, der er knyttet til applikationen
Se den primære mailadresse på din Google-konto
Se dine personlige oplysninger, heriblandt personlige oplysninger, som du har gjort offentligt tilgængelige
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En bruger af Ultradox
14. december 2014
Det er en fornøjelse at arbejde med Ultradox. Det kræver en del indlæring, men turorials og templates er til stor hjælp. Jens Thomsen
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