Create professional responsive emails with Google Docs. Track email delivery, bounces and opens with Google Sheets.
호환 기기:
From simple mail merge to complex reports, invoices, contracts or sending out beautiful personalized newsletter campaigns - Ultradox allows you to build amazing stuff within minutes by combining the power of several cloud services like Google Forms, Docs and Sheets.

The Ultradox Email Designer Add-on allows you to create responsive email campaigns right from within Google Docs. 
Pick one of the provided themes as a starting point and add additional layout elements quickly from the sidebar.

Tip: Install Ultradox from the Google Apps Marketplace or from the Chrome Webstore to be able to create and open new Ultradox files right from Google Drive.

Free plan for sending up to 250 personalized emails and 50 generated PDF documents per month.
After 30 days the free plan will add a logo on each page of the generated PDF documents and at the bottom of your emails.
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