Your plagiarism checker at hand. Avoid accidental plagiarism by managing citations and matched sources, directly in your GDocs. Unicheck plagiarism detection software for your GDocs. Check your texts on the go with our plagiarism checker for Google Documents. With the new update, Unicheck highlights similarities, citations, and references right in your text. As usual, all matches are clickable, so you’re able to visit original pages and see the matches highlighted. With the same ultra-accuracy, Unicheck Add-on reviews your texts in 4sec per page. It recognizes citations and references in MLA, APA, Harvard, and other styles. Please note! Unicheck does not save or use your files. You can access your reports and documents in your personal Unicheck account at any time. Check for plagiarism effortlessly with Unicheck Add-on for GDocs.
290 tis.+
Your plagiarism checker at hand. Avoid accidental plagiarism by managing citations and matched sources, directly in your GDocs.
Unicheck plagiarism detection software for your GDocs. Check your texts on the go with our plagiarism checker for Google Documents.
With the new update, Unicheck highlights similarities, citations, and references right in your text. As usual, all matches are clickable, so you’re able to visit original pages and see the matches highlighted. With the same ultra-accuracy, Unicheck Add-on reviews your texts in 4sec per page. It recognizes citations and references in MLA, APA, Harvard, and other styles.
Please note! Unicheck does not save or use your files. You can access your reports and documents in your personal Unicheck account at any time.
Check for plagiarism effortlessly with Unicheck Add-on for GDocs.
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Zobrazení a správa dokumentů, do kterých byla tato aplikace nainstalována
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Zobrazování obsahu webů třetích stran ve výzvách a postranních panelech v aplikacích Google
Připojení k externí službě
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Zjištění vaší primární e-mailové adresy účtu Google
Zobrazení vašich osobních informací včetně jakýchkoli osobních informací, které jste veřejně zpřístupnili
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