Upwave gives you perfect clarity over the status of your team's tasks in real time.
호환 기기:
Looking for an easy to use Project Management app?
Upwave lets your team stay aligned, track progress and get more done together!

  • Free 14 day trial with unlimited projects and team members, then $4 per user per month

Key benefits:
  • Get control of your projects
  • Improved team productivity
  • Everyone understands their responsibilities and when they need to deliver
  • Time saved
  • Design workflow to suit your needs

  • Delegate tasks to team members
  • Set deadlines
  • Comments and file sharing
  • Updated in real time
  • One-click High Five rewards
  • Slack integration
  • Archive projects and tasks
  • Weekly team summary reports
  • Export to .csv
  • Calendar integration (Google, iCal, Outlook)
  • Invite-only private projects

Upwave is used by teams all over the world, here’s what two of our customers are saying:

“We have a big, global team and it’s a massive challenge. Upwave has improved productivity, motivation and even staff retention.”
- Liam Pridgeon, Manager at Exorath Server Network

“Upwave has greatly improved productivity. We now have fewer meetings and I waste a lot less time babysitting the team on projects. I love it!”
- Sean Davis, Designer/Developer at University California
사업자 상태가 지정되지 않음
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Upwave에서 Google 계정에 액세스해야 함
이렇게 하면 Upwave에서 다음 작업을 할 수 있습니다.
Google Drive 파일 보기, 수정, 생성, 삭제
Google Calendar를 사용하여 액세스할 수 있는 모든 캘린더 보기, 수정, 공유, 영구 삭제
기본 Google 계정의 이메일 주소 확인
개인정보(공개로 설정한 개인정보 포함) 보기
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