Connect Sheets to Salesforce via Valorx Apps. Manage your Sales pipeline, edit Customer Lists, update Product and Pricing or simply manage a list of records (any object). Valorx Fusion is the ultimate Sheets connector – process unlimited objects, complex data model and limitless records. Built for end users with Salesforce security and controls - Developers and Admins love the power.
Дата оновлення:24 липня 2023 р.
Make Sheets the face of your Salesforce

Bring Google Sheets to the forefront of your Salesforce allowing users to manage every single Salesforce interaction.

If you interact with any Salesforce data, try Valorx ultimate Sheets connector – a mix of speed, amazing UI and bulk data processing

We believe that users should be able to manage every Salesforce task in the Google's ultimate  productivity platform - Sheets.

Valorx makes this happen by providing a natural Sheets experience for both simple and highly complex computation needs while maintaining the security, rules, and controls established within Salesforce.

Admins and end users alike can now work with Salesforce and external data at blazing speed in a single user experience. Need to view and work on Salesforce data from multiple objects at once? No problem!

From processing limitless records within seconds to simply viewing data in charts or pivot tables, Valorx has you covered.
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Перегляд, зміна, створення й видалення лише конкретних файлів на Google Диску, які ви відкриваєте в цьому додатку
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