VedaJunction is an AI-based personalized learning platform that empowers students to learn at their own choice of time, place, a suitable pace, and on a customized learning path to achieve mastery.
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VedaJunction is a machine-learning-based intelligent personalized learning platform that provides each student/learner with a virtual tutor which creates individual learning plans that empowers them to learn at their own choice of time, place, pace, and on a customized learning path that works for them.

VedaJunction solves the problem of schools’ failure to educate all students to mastery levels by providing a personal Intelligent Agent (AI) to tutor each learner on demand (any time, place and pace) using our customized individual learning plans to achieve their personal best.

VedaJunction can add the powerful advantages of 1:1 tutorial instruction to any classroom learning setting, including public and private schools, career and technical schools, colleges, special education programs, job training, and staff development programs.

DIY Tools
  - Curriculum mapping and lesson planning tools
  - Content authoring tools
  - Individual learning plans
  - Learning analytics, progress reports, and transcripts
  - Student performance-based and AI tutor recommended plans using school curriculum

VedaJuntion Marketplace
  - Vendor resources and member discounts
  - Member rated, VedaJunction approved teaching materials and student resources for personalized learning
  - Support resources on how to personalize individual tutorial instruction in a 1:1 setting

Community Sharing Center
  - Curriculum, lessons, and resources shared by members for members
  - Tips, advice, and support for new members of our user community
  - User reviews and ratings of shared materials and resources

System Tutor
  - A personal system tutor for every student
  - Artificial intelligence agents
  - Full mastery and reinforcement learning tools
  - System provided fully automated adaptive courseware
  - AI that works for You

Start today and teach your students with customized and individual learning plans. Try VedaJunction with our FREE 30-day trial.
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Dadurch erhält Vedajunction die folgenden Berechtigungen:
Google Drive-Dateien aufrufen und herunterladen
Eigene Google Classroom-Kurse abrufen
Zum Kursmaterial gehörende Inhalte erstellen, abrufen und bearbeiten, beispielsweise Aufgaben, Fragen und Noten
Kursarbeiten und Noten für Teilnehmer der von Ihnen geleiteten Google Classroom-Kurse verwalten und Kursarbeiten und Noten für von Ihnen verwaltete Google Classroom-Kurse ansehen
E-Mail-Adressen von Nutzern in Kursen ansehen
Teilnehmerlisten der eigenen Google Classroom-Kurse abrufen
Themen in Google Classroom ansehen
Primäre E-Mail-Adresse Ihres Google-Kontos abrufen
Personenbezogene Daten aufrufen, einschließlich aller Daten, die Sie öffentlich zugänglich gemacht haben
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