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Simple tool for daily vehicle route planning. Support various kinds of constraints. Start saving your transportation cost and time.
Fiche mise à jour le :27 décembre 2024
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134 k+
This is a very simple tool for solving your daily vehicle routes. It can handles up to a thousand of orders with a variety of constraints and vehicle cost parameters. You will not only reduce your trasportnation costs, but also save your time on route planning. 

The add-on will read input data from your sheets and send to solve on our server. After a specified time limit, a result can be fetched to your sheets. On the server, we delete your result within 24 hours. 

For general users, our solver assumes the Great-circle distance method and a fixed vehicle speed for route planning. Then, the result are verified by Here map to check road distances and traveling times. Please review if the original solution based on the Great-circle distance is good enough. To consider road distances during the solving process, we could apply OpenStreeMap or Here Map with additional costs.

We prefer Google Maps for location address geocoding. To use this function beyond a basic daily limit given to general Google user accounts, you need to specify your own Google Maps API key in Settings.

The add-on is free for solving small problems. For more information about pricing, limitations or feature requests, please kindly contact us via our form at
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TarifsNon disponible
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Conditions d'utilisation
Vehicle Routing vous demandera les autorisations ci-dessous. En savoir plus
Vehicle Routing aura besoin d'accéder à votre compte Google
Vehicle Routing pourra ainsi effectuer les actions suivantes :
Consulter, modifier, créer et supprimer toutes vos feuilles de calcul Google Sheets
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