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Додатки Google
Verify email addresses quickly and accurately in Google Sheets™.
Дата оновлення:15 грудня 2022 р.
Verifalia allows to verify email addresses directly in Google Sheets™, quickly and accurately: it helps increasing your deliverability rate as it gets rid of fake, invalid and temporary / disposable email 
addresses from your spreadsheets, one by one or in bulk. It highlights deliverable, undeliverable and risky emails and even provide with the exact nature of the eventual undeliverability (e.g. mailbox over quota, SMTP connection failure, etc.).

The email verification process happens in real-time through Verifalia, a company serving over 35,000 customers worldwide since 2005.


• fast and accurate real-time email verification, directly in Google Sheets™;
• the entire process happens without sending emails or notifying the targets;
• provides an easy classification for each email: Deliverable, Undeliverable, Risky and Unknown;
• provides the exact undeliverability reason - e.g. mailbox over quota, SMTP connection failure, etc.;
• supports *all* mail providers, including GMail, Yahoo and Hotmail;
• allows to detect and mark / remove duplicated emails;
• allows a choice of three different email verification algorithms, so as to balance the quality of results and processing speed;
• highest privacy - your data is never shared and is automatically removed from our system according to an adjustable data retention configuration.

Read more about our features here: https://verifalia.com/how-it-works
Verifalia is also integrated into other 4,000 tools and APIs; to learn more, please see https://verifalia.com/integrations


Verifalia offers a Free plan which includes 25 free email verifications per day!
To verify more than that, it is possible to buy one of our credit packs - which offer great volume discounts - or upgrade the account to a higher plan.

Our complete pricing is available here: https://verifalia.com/pricing


This Google Sheets™ add-on requires a Verifalia account to work properly.
If you don't have one, you can register your Free account here: https://verifalia.com/sign-up

Once installed, the add-on can be started through the Extensions -> Verifalia menu, in Google Sheets™.


Are you a software developer who would like to verify email addresses in their apps?
If so, you really can't miss our secure email verification API, which also comes with free and open source SDKs for major software development platforms which make integrating with our API a one-liner, including:

- .NET
- Javascript (Node.js and the browser)
- Java
- Ruby
- Go

Check out our developers documentation here: https://verifalia.com/developers


Please reach us at: https://verifalia.com/
Додаткова iнформацiя
ЦіниБезкоштовна версія з платними функціями
Політика конфіденційності
Умови використання
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