If you love Google docs, this is the service for you. You can use your own Google documents as templates. Ready documents appear on your drive. With our tools, there is no coding required.
Немає відгуків
#1 Save time for things that matter
Automate high volume low-risk contracts.

An average office worker uses 45% of their work time searching and moving information between services. We connect 3 services to import the data automatically. Need more integrations – no problem – we can help.

#2 Manage contract with your own tools

If you love Google docs, this is the service for you. You can use your own Google documents as templates. Ready documents appear on your drive. With our tools, there is no coding required.

#3 Stop switching between services

We automatically retrieve your data from the services you use and place it on the documents you want to create. Want to make final edits and get it signed? No problem the service lets you edit the documents and get them electronically signed.

#4 Never lose a document

We make sure you can find the documents you have created.

#5 Get templates

Need a contract template for employment or shareholders agreement? We offer hundreds of contracts that may fit your needs. The best thing about our templates: The service can fill in your existing data automatically into them.
The law requires that the workplace has on display a number of different documents. You will get them all in a nice package designed to hang on the wall.

#6 Know how well you are doing

Compare your company’s legal compliance to top companies and find what you could do better. Whether you are looking to sell your company or just avoid trouble with a regulator, our due diligence lists help you figure out how you are doing.

#7 Collaborate with your team

Delegate work and follow how well your team is doing. Audit trails show who accessed information or made changes to documents.
#8 Make fewer errors

We have all been seen wrong names in contracts or outdated templates used by HR or sales managers. Using a common set of clean templates help you to reduce the errors made by humans.

#9 Export documents to other services

Need to deliver documents to an external auditor or to a virtual data room? Our metadata helps to set up data rooms with ease.
The law requires that the workplace has on display a number of different documents. You will get them all in a nice package designed to hang on the wall.

#10 Safe

The service stores documents on your Google drive. Your data is stored in a safe audited European data center.
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Додаток Verkkolakimies Document Sidebar запитає наведені нижче дозволи. Докладніше
Додатку Verkkolakimies Document Sidebar буде потрібен доступ до облікового запису Google
Після цього додаток Verkkolakimies Document Sidebar зможе:
Перегляд, створення, редагування й видалення всіх ваших Google Документів
Показуйте веб-вміст третіх сторін у підказках і на бічних панелях у додатках Google
Під’єднання до зовнішніх служб
Переглядати основну електронну адресу облікового запису Google
Переглядайте особисту інформацію, зокрема всі відомості, які зробили загальнодоступними
Google не перевіряє відгуки й оцінки. Докладніше про відгуки
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