Access your organization’s Versature call detail records in Google Sheets. Import and manage your records in the click of a button.
호환 기기:
Import, visualize, and report on your Versature call data for actionable insights into your call history and call handling processes with Versature for Google Sheets! 

Versature for Google Sheets provides up-to-the-minute call detail record (CDR) reporting functionality in the cloud-based web application Google Sheets, part of the Google Apps for Business suite - no desktop installations required. 

Use Google Sheets to make your call data pop with colorful charts and graphs. Built-in formulas, pivot tables, and conditional formatting options provide all of the spreadsheet and data manipulation functions you could ever need. Access, create, and edit your Versature Call Data spreadsheets wherever you go and enable collaboration with real-time sharing and editing capabilities. Changes made to your Versature Call Data Sheets are automatically saved as you type. Convert Google Sheets to Excel files and vice versa.  

Versature clients can download and access this Google Sheets Add-on for free today! 


About Versature

Versature is disrupting the Canadian telecom industry with Cloud-based Hosted PBX business communication solutions. Trusted by clients and partners across the country, Versature is an award winning company that is raising the bar with superior, cost-effective technology and Canadian-based support. Founded in 2003, Versature has a rapidly growing Hosted PBX subscriber base and a strong partner network from coast to coast.
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