Audio editor to create and edit audio and music online
Pozycja zaktualizowana:20 stycznia 2025
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267 tys.+
AudioStudio is an audio editor to create or modify any music or audio file. It contains numerous features to import, export, duplicate, split, trim, modify the speed, increase the volume, merge, etc, audio files.  It is an integration of the Beautiful audio editor with the the RedcoolMedia platform.

This app includes buttons that provides the following functionality:

- Reset button, that resets the play pointer to the beginning and stops play.
- Play/pause button, that plays or pauses audio at the current time.
- Move button, that switches into move mode, in which you can move sections within and across tracks by dragging them. 
- Duplicate button,, that switches into duplicate mode, in which you can click sections to duplicate them.
- Split button, that switches into split-section mode, in which you can split sections by pressing on them and then releasing upon finalizing the split location.
- Remove button, that switches into remove mode, in which you can click sections to remove them.
- Time signature button, that makes the grid display in 4/4 time signature - 4 beats per 2 seconds.
- Undo button, that undos the previous action if it exists.
- Redo button, that redoes the previously undone action if it exists.
- Download WAV button, that downloads the project as a WAV file.
- Download MP3 button, that downloads the project as an MP3 file. MP3 exporting is slower than WAV exporting, but compresses audio, so MP3 files may be much smaller than their WAV counterparts.
- Render button, that renders the whole project into a separate track.
- Recording button. Start recording on a mono channel through your default microphone by clicking on this button.

Moreover, AudioStudio includes effects to modify the audio files. You can apply effects to tracks and the audio master output. Effects range from simple ones such as gain, pan, and dynamic compression to varieties of frequency filters. It also includes Zoom in or Zoom out with the zoom slider in the footer.
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