Send personalized videos to engage prospects.
Дата оновлення:29 грудня 2021 р.
44 тис.+
Hippo Video is a Video Personalization Platform through which you can create videos, move leads faster through the sales funnel and all of these within your Gmail inbox itself. Ready to close more deals? Here is how you can do it with Hippo Video

1. Create and Edit Videos
Record and send video emails to your leads/prospects to increase email open rate, click-through rate and book more meetings.

2. 1-1 Sales Video
Humanize your emails by sending across introductory video emails to your leads. Personalize your video by customizing the recipient’s name, company, and other data to grab the recipient’s attention. 

3. Video Tracking
Gain insights into your sent videos with real-time notifications and send timely follow-ups.

Incorporate videos throughout your sales funnel to improve engagement and conversions. Stay updated with us on social media.


Have questions or comments about Hippo Video? Email us at, we would love to hear from you and help you!
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Керування чернетками та надсилання електронних листів, коли ви взаємодієте з доповненням
Перегляд метаданих електронних листів під час запуску доповнення
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Перегляд пов’язаних із програмою даних і керування ними
Перегляд країни, мови та часового поясу
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