Viewpath aligns project tasks and resources in one complete picture. It quickly gets everyone on the same page, and focused on the right task at the right time. Flexible features simplify workflow on projects of any size
36 E+
Viewpath PM aligns project tasks and resources in one complete picture, so the entire team is focused on the right task at the right time. 

Thousands of companies worldwide use Viewpath because it offers comprehensive solutions for managing projects of all sizes. The app’s powerful scheduling engine and unique design provides easy-to-use features for even complex projects. Tiered access permissions optimize the feature set for a broad spectrum of skills on any team. This unmatched flexibility simplifies collaboration and workflow at all levels of the organization. 

Viewpath online project management features include:

• Visually-rich team collaboration with Gantt charts, milestones, and task dependencies
• Fast drag-and-drop task scheduling and “what if scenario” planning
• Interactive graphs to view resource utilization across numerous projects
• Import Google Contacts and export your tasks to Google Calendar
• High-level project summaries and multi-project dashboards 
• Optional views for Agile sprint project plans and task backlogs
• Publish a Snapshot you can email to anyone, or post it to a Google Site
• Free Guests and Observers so teams can collaborate with anyone, in any organization

Viewpath is a SaaS app delivering true enterprise-class scalability and reliability. It’s built on the Google App Engine, the same platform running Gmail and Google Docs. The app helps your team communicate and work together, no matter their role, whether they are an individual contributor or a seasoned team leader. Viewpath provides an efficient way to reduce costs, and improve predictability and profitability on a wide array of project activities. 
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A Google Naptár segítségével hozzáférhető összes naptár megtekintése, szerkesztése, megosztása és végleges törlése
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Az Ön elsődleges Google-fiókjához tartozó e-mail-cím megtekintése
Személyes adatainak megtekintése, beleértve azokat a személyes adatokat is, amelyeket Ön nyilvánosan közzétett
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