Apply Table Styles In One Click, Select from 130+ Modern and Professional looking table styles with advanced customization.
Ficha actualizada:11 de julio de 2023
Compatible con:
13 mil+
Información general
With Visual Table Styles Add-on, just select the data and apply table styles within seconds!

Select from 130+ Modern and Professional looking table styles with advanced customization.


1.  Select A Table Style
First, select any table style you wish to apply from the menu.

2. Choose Any Color
Every Table Style comes with 9+ beautiful looking pre-defined colors

3. Customize To Your Liking
Customize every part of the table to match your color palette. You can also save these custom styles.

4. Apply Table Styles
Select the data in google sheets to which you want to apply the style and click Apply style.


13+ Unique Table Styles
Select from 13+ pre-defined modern and professional Table Styles.

Pre-defined Color Palettes
Select from a range of pre-defined color styles for every unique table.

Save Custom Styles
Customize any style with advanced customization and save it for use later on.

Apply Style in Seconds
Select your table style, choose a color palette and apply table styles with just a few clicks.

Free Plan - 25 Tasks/month
Paid plans start at $49 /per year for Unlimited Tasks

More details on our pricing page:


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Términos del Servicio
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