With its uniquely effective word learning system, the Vocabulary.com app helps students learn and master words.
정보 업데이트:2024년 10월 22일
Look up a word, learn it forever.

Vocabulary.com combines the world's smartest dictionary with an adaptive learning game that will have you mastering new words in no time.

Don’t just memorize. Achieve mastery.

Ditch the flash cards and stop memorizing definitions. Vocabulary.com teaches you words by systematically exposing you to a wide array of question types and activities that will help you understand all the meanings and nuances of every word you’re learning.

Even after you’ve achieved mastery, we’ll continue to reinforce what you have learned to make sure that it all stays fresh in your memory.

Get the lowdown on every word.

When you look up a word in our dictionary, you’ll read a friendly explanation that you will actually remember. It’s as if your favorite teacher were explaining the word to you.

Our clever usage tips and thousands of real-world examples will show you how words live in the wild so you’ll be more confident using them yourself.

See a word you’d like to know better? Click "Learn this Word" and easily add it to your learning program.

Start playing. We’ll get to know you.

As you play Vocabulary.com, we figure out which words you know and which ones you need a little help with. We keep practicing with you until you master the tough ones.

Let us know which words you want to focus on, and we’ll prioritize those.

As your vocabulary grows, Vocabulary.com grows with you.

Vocabulary.com is a platform for lifelong learning, growing with you every step of the way. As you improve, the words that you learn will become more and more advanced. And, with our easy-to-use progress-monitoring tools, you can always look back to see how far you’ve come.
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