The Voice Metrics Add On allows you to HEAR your Sheets data with your voice assistant (Alexa, etc.). JUST ASK for your data!
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The Voice Metrics Add On allows you to HEAR your Sheets data with your voice assistant (Alexa, etc.).
With a simple one-time setup in the Add On, you "Voice Enable" any number of cells in your Sheet(s), set up a "Voice Briefing" in the Voice Metrics web app, and then JUST ASK for your Briefing with: "Alexa, Voice Metrics!".  As your Sheets data (cells) are updated, your Voice Briefing is automatically updated and always STAYS up to date.  (If you have Zapier or other tools that push data and metrics into your Sheets, the data will always be up to date in Voice Metrics via Alexa).

Use it for yourself, or set up your entire team with voice access to Key Numbers, KPI's, Metrics, Status Updates, or ANYTHING YOU WANT.  Keep everyone on the same page without ever having to touch a computer, laptop, or phone!

JUST ASK for your data!  Try it now at

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