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Asynchronous voice, video, and text conversations around media.
Ändrades senast:27 april 2023
35 mn+
A cloud-based platform that is simple to use, implement, and support. VoiceThread enables a broad array of users to present, train, practice language skills, collaborate on projects, in short, to communicate more effectively with each other and the world. 

More efficient than live screenshare meetings (no scheduling!), a VoiceThread engages participants at a level that standard flat-text communication will never achieve. 

Over 4 million users in over 100 countries and more than 25% of the world’s best universities, as ranked by U.S. News & World Report, use VoiceThread to engage their communities and further their missions. 

* Additional configuration required. Please contact VoiceThread at voicethread.com/contact/.
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