Hello! My name is Norbert! I can find anyone's email address
Дата оновлення:1 серпня 2023 р.
Norbert helps you find any corporate email addresses, manage your leads and gain a lot of time while Norbert work.

Fill up your pipeline with qualified leads and get personal with decision-makers.

Hunt down talent and reach out with the right message, at the right time.

Content Marketing
Reach out to blogs, build links, contact authors and spread your content.

Business Development
Build lists and contact persons of interest to build resourceful relationships.

Find the right reporters and create buzz around last new product or feature.

...You name it!
Email is the best channel to build long-lasting relationships with just about anyone important to your business.

Click Extensions -> Voila Norbert ->Open on Google Sheets. Then on the opening side bar, use your Voila Norbert credentials to login. Then enter first name, last name and company domain (like google.com) or company name (like google) of the person, you want find email addresses, to Google Sheet on different columns. Then provide column names on the add-on and click Lookup Emails. And wait for  Voila Norbert to do its job.
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