In no time, save emails that are important for your research project!
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In no time, save emails that are important for your research project!

When working on a research project, you may find information online such as videos, images, articles, and other documents. You can save these files directly to your VV - Impact Tracker Evidence Vault, this is your online scrap book of any information about your research project.

Often information is captured through email conversation. If you are working with other people regarding your research project, you will want that conversation to be saved in your VV - Impact Tracker Evidence Vault. Saving these as screenshots may not be convenient.

This is where the VV - Impact Tracker email clipper can help you and your colleagues. You can use the email clipper to easily add emails to your VV - Impact Tracker Evidence Vault.


* Save and access your emails directly in your VV - Impact Tracker Evidence Vault and associate it with one or more research projects.

* Security - You can choose to save emails in your evidence vault with your preferred audience.

* Look and feel - There is no need to worry if the VV - Impact Tracker will save emails in their original format. Font colors, typeface, paragraph spaces and other formatting, VV - Impact Tracker email clipper will save these to your evidence vault the way you want it.

NOTE: Attachments within emails will need to be saved separately into the evidence vault to ensure they are linked to a research project.

Want to know more about VV-Impact Tracker? Visit or send an email to
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Melihat metadata pesan email saat add-on dijalankan
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Melihat alamat email Akun Google primer Anda
Melihat info pribadi Anda, termasuk info pribadi Anda yang tersedia untuk publik
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