Enhance Google Forms™ with automated WhatsApp notifications! Send personalized messages based on form responses. Provide a webhook URL, template name, and variables.
Tiedot päivitetty:24. elokuuta 2024
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Transform your Google Forms™ with seamless WhatsApp integration using our powerful add-on. This tool allows you to automatically send customized WhatsApp messages to users when they enter their phone number, a required field in the form.

Key Features:

Automated WhatsApp Notifications: Send personalized WhatsApp messages to users based on their form responses.
Easy Configuration: Just enter your webhook URL, template name, and any variables needed for the template.
Dynamic Messaging: Use variables to customize messages for each user, making communication more effective and engaging.
WhatsApp Meta API Integration: Leverage the robust capabilities of the WhatsApp Meta API (production mode required) to ensure reliable and secure message delivery.
How It Works:

Webhook URL: Provide the webhook URL where your messaging service is hosted.
Template Name: Enter the name of the WhatsApp message template you want to use.
Variables: Specify any variables required by the template to personalize messages.
Once set up, whenever a user enters their phone number in the form, an automated WhatsApp message is sent to them based on the configured template. This add-on is ideal for businesses, educators, and event organizers looking to enhance communication and engagement through WhatsApp.


An active WhatsApp Meta API account in production mode.
Improve your workflow and keep your users informed instantly with our Google Form WhatsApp integration add-on. Get started today and experience the benefits of automated messaging!"

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