Send unlimited bulk and personalized WhatsApp messages from your own number. Free customer support. Free to try.
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Đã cập nhật trang thông tin:25 tháng 12, 2024
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✔️ The best Google add-on/extension to send unlimited personalized unique WhatsApp messages directly from Google Sheets. ✔️ No sign-up required. ✔️ Free and fast customer service. ✔️ Free from advertising or branding.  ✔️ Send messages without saving numbers or contacts to your phone. ✔️ Ideal for marketing.

👇 Read more about our features, help, tutorials and pricing.


➤ Start the add-on from Google Sheet > Extensions > Walution > Start
➤ Make sure the first row in your sheet contains column names. Such as ‘Fullname’, ‘Address’, ‘Phone’, ‘Email’,  etc.
➤ To be able to merge you need to have at least one row of data under your column names.
➤ These column names will be used as *|Merge Fields|* into your message.
➤ From the Sidebar Select the Sheet tab you want to merge data from.
➤ Select the ‘WhatsApp Number' Column. This will be the column in your sheet which contains a list of mobile numbers. Typically this is a column name called ‘Mobile’. All values in this column must have a valid phone number. If the phone number does not have a country code (such as +1) the default country code will be used. To set the Default Country code go to Extensions > Walution > Default Country Code
➤ Write the content of your message in the box provided and insert Personalized Fields wherever you want in the message. For example: Dear *|Fullname|*,
➤ When ready click ‘Send Test’ to send a message to any number you want. The test merge will merge data from the 1st row of data. That is row 2 since row 1 only contains column headers.
➤ Once you’re happy with how your message looks you can go ahead with a full merge.
➤ A column called ‘Message Status’ is automatically created for you by the add-on. This will be automatically populated with the date and time the row was successfully merged. If you want to re-send/merge the row, just delete the content of that cell under the ‘Message  Status’ column. If there is text in all the data rows for the ‘‘Message Status’ column you will get an error when you attempt to merge telling you that there are no rows to merge.


No need to download any software. A bulk WhatsApp sender online, powered by Google Workspace. Whether it’s for personal, education or other professional business use, this is a simple and powerful tool for sending mass personalized WhatsApp messages. Easily insert place holders (or Merge Fields) in your message and you are ready to go. 

★ Unlimited usage for a fixed cheap price. Send messages with out limits.
★ Send WhatsApp message directly without adding contact to your phone.
★ Send messages from your own phone number. This way you can get replies directly to you.
★ It does not use a generic phone number to send messages.
★ Personalize WhatsApp messages to send unique messages to your contacts.
★ Broadcast your message with this 
hatsApp sender and test for free.
★ Send a test message to get a good idea on how your text message will look like.
★ Opt to merge only selected/filtered rows of data.
★ Operate online over the web without hassle.
★ No limit to how many merge fields you can enter.
★ Track which rows have been merged.
★ Messages can be sent to all platforms: Apple iOS (iPhone) and Google Android.


➤ Inviting people to an event such as a webinar, wedding, job-dating, fair, conference, meetup. 
➤ Get answers from a large list of guests and invitees. 
➤ Get potential new clients with a custom message campaign.
➤ Drive and generate new leads with efficient cold messages.
➤ Send commercial offers suited to each recipient.
➤ Apply to many job offers at once.
➤ Manage PR campaigns by contacting journalists or influencers.
➤ Send payment reminders to a list of clients with their invoice attached.
➤ Share information on each student with their parents the easiest way.
➤ Greetings for birthday, happy new year, new year's eve wishes, holidays, thanksgiving, Halloween, Secret Santa, Christmas, Xmas holiday to your friends, family or colleagues.
➤ Renew your audience commitment to your blog with a message that present the latest blog posts
➤ Send personalized thank-you messages to HR recruiters, crowdfunding supports, product hunt upvoters, business angels, a friend or family.
➤ Run efficient cold messages or follow-up campaign to drive & generate new leads, for sales people. 

Buy and unlimited month or year package.


Don’t worry. We don’t use robots with artificial intelligence. We have real intelligent people answering your questions with an average response time of less than 3 hours. However, we usually reply much faster than that. Whether you are using the free or premium version, we do not charge for customer support. Help comes in the form of email communication, or as an alternative, we also provide a remote desktop session.

We are therefore geared up to handle high profile clients from NGOs, health institutions and Government departments worldwide.

We pride ourselves on having the best customer care.

🤙 Contact Us


This extension can be used from your Chromebook, Mac, Window or any other platform with a browser. It makes your move to Chromebooks easy!

WhatsApp is a trademark of WhatsApp Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Walution is an independent project and has no relationship to WhatsApp Inc.
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