Fast image and file viewer built with WebAssembly technology. You can open 300 image/file formats including JPG, PNG, TIFF, JXR, RAW.
Zápis aktualizován:21. února 2025
63 tis.+
Fast image and file viewer built with WebAssembly technology.
This Viewer is an app which is designed specifically to open and view the multiple image formats in your browser. It is quite easy to use and comprehend this app.
This Viewer does not save or share the file you select. It only works locally without going through the server. (HTML WASM WebAssembly)

You can open 300 image/file formats including JPG, PNG, TIFF, PPM, JXR, RAW from your computer or your Google Drive™.
This app also allows you to save the opened image to JPG, PNG, PDF format in your browser directly, and extracts/displays the Exif information in the image file.
With this viewer you can open mutiple image formats and view its contents very easily.
Edit/Effect image, Convert to vector format, OCR, Quick page-turning, Zoom in/out to read the files the way you like.

*Supported Formats
(Basic Images) bmp,ico,jpg,jif,jpeg,jpe,jng,koa,iff,lbm,mng,pbm,pcd,pcx,pgm,png,ppm,ras,tga,targa,tif,tiff

(RAW Images) 3fr,arw,bay,bmq,cap,cine,cr2,cr3,crw,cs1,dc2,dcr,drf,dsc,dng,erf,fff,ia,iiq,k25,kc2,kdc,mdc,mef

(Special Images) heic,heif,bpg,wmf,emf,emz,svg,svgz,krita(kra,ora),swf,dicom(dcm),xcf,jbg,jbig,cbz,cbr,vsd,vsdx
djvu,cdr,vss,vssx,wpg,zmf,cad(dxf,dwg,dwf),mpo,mp3,psb,jxl,flif,avif,pwg,urf,exe,jls(jpeg ls),icns,pgf

(Fonts) ttf,otf,ttc,dfont,pfb,pfa,tfm,woff2 (Postscript) eps,ai,ps,pdf,xps,oxps,dwfx,pcl,txt,epub
(3D models) obj,3ds,stl,ply,gltf,glb,off,3dm,fbx,dae,wrl,3mf,ifc,stp,igs,bim,ctm,lwo,dff,gcode,fig,hpgl,plt
bam,egg, Nifti(nii,nii.gz,mz3,srf.gz,x3d,v,im,ima), sh3d, embroidery(pes,dst,jef..), pepakura(pdo), povray(pov)
(CAD) dxf,dwg,dwf,dwfx,dgn, circuit(pcb,brd) (Bio) brx,map,em,pot,grd,mff,miff,mrc,pif,spi,spm,dm3,dm4

(Printer Output, PRN file) zjs,xqx,slx,ddst,qpdl,hbpl,hiperc,lava,oak(stream protocol), spl(winspool), zpl(zebra)
(Retro Computer Images) Amiga, Atari, Commodore, MSX, NEC PC, ZX Spectrum... 100+ retro image formats
(eBook) Convert MOBI to ePub, Supports mobi,prc,azw,azw3,azw4, FB2 to ePub
(Audio Spectrogram) wav,ogg,flac,opus,aif,aiff,au,caf,gsm,mp2,voc,amr,mid to mp3
(Certificates formats) p7s,p7b,p7m,req,der,cer,crt,pem,p12,pfx (Ansi Ascii Arts) ans,pcb,bin,adf,idf,tnd,xb

(Others) media/videos/mod/gme, torrent,svm,cgm,cmx,cdg, inp(InPage), abc,mscz,mscx(music), json(lottie),hvif...
Support for viewing multiple files (only jpg,png,gif,bmp,webp). Select or Drop multiple jpgs, pngs.
Support jpg,png,gif,bmp,webp images compressed with zip,rar,7z,tgz,tar,gz,bz2,xz,cpio,z,cab
zoo,arj,kgb,lzh,lzx,adf,ar,rpm,iso,nrg,bin,mdf,nds(Nintendo rom),kfn,pkpass...

Support the file compressed with lz,rz,zst,lzma,lzo,brotli(br),brunsli(brn),mspack(szdd,kwaj),bcm(bwt) format.

Supported Viewer/Renderer: 
OpenJsCad Viewer / JSCAD Viewer / Karaoke CDG Player, CDG Previewer
MPJ LED Matrix Viewer / RIP Player, RIPscrip Previewer / NAPLPS Vector Graphics Viewer, NAP Viewer
Asciinema Cast Viewer and Player / Blip Chiptune Viewer and Player / X3D Viewer and Renderer
GeoGebra GGB Viewer and Renderer / Scratch Viewer and Renderer / PKPass Viewer and Renderer
Nifti 3D Viewer and Medical Image Viewer / GCode Viewer and Renderer
Sweet Home 3D (sh3d) Viewer / Eagle BRD Viewer / PAT (Hatch Pattern File) Viewer
Embroidery Viewer / ktx2 3D/2D Viewer / Nastran BDF Viewer and Renderer
VIM 3D Model Viewer and Renderer / EPW (EnergyPlus Weather) Viewer
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waView Image Viewer and Editor bude potřebovat přístup k vašemu účtu Google
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Zobrazení, úpravy, vytváření a mazání pouze konkrétních souborů na Disku Google, které používáte s touto aplikací
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