This adds one custom functon to your spreadsheet to calculate words correct per minute (WCPM) and percent accuracy for fluency tracking.
Дата оновлення:11 серпня 2023 р.
When you track fluency, often a one-minute probe does not provide enough content to check for understanding.  In these cases, it is often helpful to time a full passage and use that time with words read and errors to compute Words Correct Per Minute (WCPM) and percent accuracy.  To do these calculations, you usually take the number or words read, less the errors and divide that by the time in minutes to get WCPM.  Use the power of Google Sheets™️ to do the calculations automatically and quickly!  For this to work, the function takes three inputs in the format: =WCPMandAccuracy(words,errors,"time") and gives you WCPM (in one cell) and percent accuracy (in the cell to the right). Please note that the time must be in the format "m:ss" using quotation marks and a colon to separate minutes from seconds.  If you point to or reference the time, the cell it is in must be formatted as Number>Plain text.  Please watch the video to see the custom function in action.  This function is especially useful for SpED or resource teachers, interventionists, and teachers of foundational reading.
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