Web3 Sheets is an add-on for Google Sheets™ that empowers users to query Ethereum data directly into their sheets and supports all data types and historical data.
정보 업데이트:2023년 10월 31일
호환 기기:
Web3 Sheets makes utilizing Ethereum data easily accessible from within Google Sheets™. Featuring full historical data for all data types and does not require contracts to be verified on Etherscan.

🔶Web3 Sheets applications 🔶
✅ Multi-chain data in one place
✅ Portfolio tracking
✅ Yield farming calculations
✅ Historical address token balances
✅ Track DAO revenues
✅ Tax preparations
✅ Analyze borrow/lend protocols
✅ Pull current token balances
✅ Onchain asset prices 
✅ Compare oracles
✅ Onchain liquidity analysis
✅ Monitor AMM positions

🔶Supported chains 🔶
➤ Ethereum
➤ Polygon
➤ Optimism
➤ Arbitrum
➤ Gnosis
➤ Binance Chain
➤ Canto
➤ Fantom
➤ Polygon ZK EVM
➤ Arbitrum Nova
➤ Avalanche
➤ Goerli

🔶Multi-chain support function 🔶
➤ EthBalance: for getting the Ether balance of an address
➤ CurrentBlock: returns the current block number
➤ BlockToTimestamp: returns the timestamp of a block
➤ TimestampToBlock: returns the block nearest to a timestamp
➤ CallInt: for functions that return an integer
➤ CallAddress: for functions that return an address
➤ CallStr: for functions that return a string
➤ CallCstr: for functions that return a string
➤ TokenAddressByName: returns the token address
➤ TokenDecimalsByName: returns the token decimals
➤ TokenAddressBySymbol: returns the token address
➤ TokenDecimalsBySymbol: returns the token decimals

🔶Web3 Sheets functions 🔶
➤ Web3SheetsUsage: returns the number of requests made by the owner of the sheet in a month
➤ Web3SheetsCredits: returns the number of requests that the owner of the sheets can make in a month
➤ GfxSheetsVersion: returns the software version of the Add-on

🔶Installing Web3 Sheets 🔶
After having installed our Add-on for Google Sheets™:
1) Install the Add-on
2) Navigate to the spreadsheet you want to use the add-on in
3) Go to Extensions > Add-ons > Manage Add-ons
4) You should see Web3 Sheets. Click the three dots in the top right and select “Use in this document”

🔶Getting started with Web3 Sheets 🔶
🔹=CurrentBlock() will return the current Ethereum block
🔹=EthBalance(address) will return the ETH balance of the specific address
🔹=CallInt(path, target address, function signature, argument) will return an integer from the target contract and function
🔹=CallAddress(path, target address, function signature, argument) will return an address from the target contract and function
🔹=CallString(path, target address, function signature, argument) will return a string from the target contract and function

🔶Options 🔶
🔹 Any target field can be replaced with COPS(target, blockNumber/latest, chain) to query historical data and non-ethereum calls.
🔹 If you have more than one argument, you simply add it on. For example =callIInt(“”,target address, “getPastVotes(address,uint256)”,  address, blocknumber)
🔹If the function returns an array, utilize the pathing to navigate. =CallInt(“0”, Uniswap v3 Pool address, “observations(uint256)”, observation number)

🔶Pricing 🔶
➤ First 100 requests are free and don’t require sign-up
➤ Free 7-day trials are available
➤ More info available on our site - https://sheets.gfx.xyz/


❓Need some help?

➤Get started with Web3 Sheets

➤ Aave v3 Demo

➤ Many other examples available here: 

➤ Join our Discord for support or to make feature requests: 


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