Real-time live webcam stream for YouTube Live, and Record it. Take a webcam snapshot, GIF Recording and save to Google Drive.
Pozycja zaktualizowana:14 marca 2022
Współpracuje z:
128 tys.+
Real-time live webcam stream for YouTube Live, and Free RTMP Publisher/Encoder for the browser. You can broadcast your webcam live with YouTube on the browser directly.
When the webcam live is complete, the video is automatically saved to YouTube my videos.
This is an additional feature that records my webcam and uploads it to YouTube.

Provides a webcam snapshot, test, capture, GIF Recording, webcam to GIF animation file. This is a simple webcam app to take a snapshot and save the image to Google Drive.

*How to use a live webcam for YouTube
1. Go to the (YouTube Live Dashboard)
2. Create your live channel
3. Copy "Server URL" and "Stream name/key" on Encoder Setup, and Paste to the input box
4. Adjust your Camera and Microphone
5. Preview and Start Publish
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Aplikacja Webcam Recorder & Snapshot poprosi o uprawnienia wymienione poniżej. Więcej informacji
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