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WebHR - Everyone's Favorite All-in-One Social HR Software - Trusted by 20,000 Companies in 197 Countries
63 mil+
Información general
WebHR is a Cloud based Social HR Software for SMEs. WebHR makes it easy for the HR Department to start managing their HR effectively and efficiently in less than 20 minutes. It is an indispensable tool not just for HR Manager but for the entire organization.

WebHR is currently used by 10,000 companies in 173 Countries.

"WebHR assists in managing the organizations' most important asset - its Human Resource"

WebHR is based on Software as a Service (SaaS) and Cloud Computing model. WebHR facilitates all functions of the Human Resource Department that deals with recruitment, employees' management, payroll, performance, training etc. In fact, WebHR can be used to simplify the daily tasks involved in the HR Department.

WebHR acts as a bridge between human resource management and information technology. It allows enterprises to automate many aspects of human resource management, with the dual benefits of reducing the workload of the HR department as well as increasing the efficiency of the department by standardizing HR processes.
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webhr.coEstado de operador no especificado
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