Improve productivity by using ChatGPT in your Google Sheets™️ with Websheet AI. Including DALL·E 3, ElevenLabs, and other AI tools inside.
Ändrades senast:6 september 2024
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Use ChatGPT Formulas and sidebar Functions to increase your spreadsheet productivity via Websheet AI.

✨ Websheet AI News: New users get to try GPT-Assist for free, receiving one USD of free funds to try how better spreadsheets are with ChatGPT! ✨

Say goodbye to manual data entry and analysis, and let AI do the toughest part of the work.

To unlock GPT power in Google Sheets™️, install and start Websheet AI via Extensions → Websheet AI → Start!

Use our Smart Functions & Formulas to speed up your work:

    ➜ TRANSLATE: Translating text into any language.
    ➜ ASK: Answering any question using ChatGPT.
    ➜ FIXWRITING: Fix grammar and spelling in your spreadsheets.
    ➜ EDIT: Edits given cell values using your instructions.
    ➜ SAY: Text-to-speech function that creates mp3.
    ➜ TRANSCRIBE: Creates mass transcriptions of MP3 and MP4 files.
    ➜ IMAGINE: Creates images from the text using DALL·E 3.

More Functions:

Check out all Smart Functions:

We also have a library of Ready Websheets, which solve particular tasks, such as:

    ➜ SWOT analysis,
    ➜ Writing Email Templates,
    ➜ Writing batch Cover Letters,
    ➜ Generating SEO keywords and many more.

Websheet AI is the go-to tool for smartly and quickly getting into the AI world!

Websheet AI uses and transfers information received from Google APIs in compliance with the Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.

Learn more at

Websheet AI is a registered trademark of Websheet.
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Websheet AI: GPT for Sheets behöver åtkomst till ditt Google-konto
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