WeRadiate App populates the Sensor data installed over compost piles in & around New York for Waste Management System, that turns organic waste into healthy, high-quality compost and keep it local.
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Our WeRadiate app tracks and visualizes important compost variables including temperature to streamline data collection and improve processing time. We make it easy for farms and composters (small and large) to ensure healthy compost using this premium service.

The data we collect is kept private and is only useful for tracking the performance of compost piles and generating reports for users to comply with regulations. We do not collect any personal identification or personal data.

The data is provided in the form of 4 different templates, and can also be customized with reference to the  user’s convenience for more efficient data analysis. The application is available for both Microsoft Excel as an Add-in and for Google sheets as an Add-on for flexibility in use. The application also offers secure functionality with respect to accessing data from a secure server where credentials are shared in private. In addition to this, a font-end UI is also provided in case the user wishes to separate data collection in hierarchies for more efficient searching/filtering or listing of data.
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WeRadiate Data Template sẽ yêu cầu các quyền như trình bày bên dưới. Tìm hiểu thêm
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