"White Cloud Single Sign-On" is "Single sign-on" in which multiple different services become available with one login, "Access control" that controls user access under various conditions, and unified management of users and groups It is a service that provides all functions of 'Account Management' which enables it. It is also possible to change the number of users and linked accounts according to the usage situation, realizing an authentication environment with high scalability and high availability.
리뷰 없음
"White Cloud Single Sign-On" is "Single sign-on" in which multiple different services become available with one login, "Access control" that controls user access under various conditions, and unified management of users and groups It is a service that provides all functions of 'Account Management' which enables it.

It is also possible to change the number of users and linked accounts according to the usage situation, realizing an authentication environment with high scalability and high availability.
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