Generate Diagrams with AI and share on Collaborative Whiteboard with your team in real-time
Zápis aktualizován:10. prosince 2024
119 tis.+
Introducing Our AI-Powered Diagram Generation and Collaborative Whiteboard App

Revolutionize the way you create and share diagrams with your team using our cutting-edge application. Combining the power of artificial intelligence with real-time collaboration tools, our app simplifies complex visualizations and enhances team productivity.

All features are 100% free!

Key Features:


🧠SMART CREATION: Just input your ideas, data, or concepts, and our AI will generate polished, professional-quality diagrams.
🔄VERSATILE DIAGRAM TYPES: Supports a wide range of visuals, from flowcharts and mind maps to org charts and UML diagrams.
🗣️NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING: Describe your requirements in plain language, and the AI will interpret and create the right diagram for you.


⏩INSTANT SHARING: Share your AI-generated diagrams instantly on a virtual whiteboard accessible to your entire team.
✍️SYNCHRONIZED EDITING : Team members can add, edit, or annotate diagrams in real-time, with all changes appearing immediately.
🎨INTERACTIVE TOOLS: Enhance collaboration with drawing tools, sticky notes, and commenting features.
⏳VERSION HISTORY: Track changes over time with an editable history log and easily revert to earlier versions when needed.


🔐DATA ENCRYPTION: All data is encrypted during transfer and at rest, keeping your information safe.
🛡️USER AUTHENTICATION: Supports Single Sign-On (SSO) and multi-factor authentication for enhanced security.
✅COMPLIANCE STANDARDS: Adheres to GDPR and other major international data protection regulations.
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