Search meanings of words using Wikipedia inside your Google Docs™ document.
Дата оновлення:6 лютого 2025 р.
4 тис.+
Wikipedia for your document.

An online dictionary for Google Docs™. Get a definition using Wikipedia data - search Wikipedia inside your Google Docs™ document. A quick and easy way to access Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, with more than 5 077 000 articles.

*** How it work?
1. Select a word or a group of words.
2. Open the Wikipedia for document.  
3. Click the search icon on the right to look up the meaning of selected word(s).

*** Main features:
✅ Look up directly on the working document using the sidebar. 
✅ Auto-complete /word suggestion.
✅ Info-box.
✅ Look up meaning of words in many languages.

*** Important links:
Privacy policy:
Terms of service:

- Look up directly on the working document using the sidebar. 
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