Use Wired2Perform® to integrate Behavioral Smart™ Tools with Gmail and Google Calendar
Berfungsi dengan:
Wired2Perform® Insights allow you to see another’s behavioral profile and communication style helping you have more productive conversations and overcome potential misunderstandings.

Key Features :

1. Discover the unique behavioral styles of your Wired2Perform® contacts

2. Discover the unique behavioral factors of your Wired2Perform® contacts

3. Find the most dominant and 2nd most dominant attributes of your Wired2Perform® contacts by their :

    • Behavior - the behavior style
    • Communication - the communication style
    • Factor  - the behavior factor
    • Design - the design of the content that you should consider when you communicate with them
    • Information - the information requires that you should consider when you communicate with them
    • Length - the length of the content that you should consider when you communicate with them

4. Find the behavior attributes, behavior talents, and behavior roles of each of your Wired2Perform® contacts

5. View the Wired2Perform® profiles of your contacts

6. Show the contacts list with their behavioral styles and two behavioral factors

7. Invite your new contacts to register In Wired2Perform®
Informasi tambahan
HargaTidak tersedia
Status pedagang belum ditentukan
Wired2Perform akan meminta agar izin ditampilkan di bawah ini. Pelajari lebih lanjut
Wired2Perform akan memerlukan akses ke Akun Google Anda
Hal ini akan mengizinkan Wired2Perform untuk:
Melihat metadata pesan email saat add-on dijalankan
Jalankan sebagai add-on Gmail
Melihat acara yang Anda buka di Google Kalender
Menjalankan sebagai add-on Kalender
Melihat dan mendownload kalender yang dapat Anda akses menggunakan Google Kalender Anda
Menghubungkan ke layanan eksternal
Melihat alamat email Akun Google primer Anda
Melihat info pribadi Anda, termasuk info pribadi Anda yang tersedia untuk publik
Urutkan menurut:
Google tidak memverifikasi ulasan atau rating. Pelajari ulasan lebih lanjut
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